Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Peace Corps has a submission-based quarterly publication which features articles, pictures and assorted time-killers from its volunteers. Below is my submission, one that should be prefaced with the context that our region (Azilal Province) takes considerable pride in the amount of times it has watched this video. It plays at least 4 times per party and it really gets us through some tough times. Shakira is the stimulus to our package. I seriously doubt it will be accepted but, nevertheless, read away.

If you have not seen the video for Shakira’s smash hit “She Wolf,” you are simply not a complete human being. Prior to encountering the sheer elegance of this masterpiece, I believed the essentials of life were just food, shelter and hardcore porn. In short, I was a fool. Thankfully, fellow PCVs who cared for me arranged three consecutive viewings of this radiant beauty so as to secure a safe eternal resting place for my soul. Now, I understand that more important than either food or shelter is this tale of a neglected, yet fiery girlfriend ready to pounce on other man prey. At least that’s what I think it’s about; it’s hard to tell since it switches from first to third person between verses.

The brilliance contained within these nearly four minutes of bliss, however, is simply undeniable. The text alone is worthy of a Pulitzer, or at least a Nobel Prize since it seems anyone can get one them these days. Anybody studying for the GRE would surely help their chances of doing well with an in depth analysis of this poetic ballad. With words like “lycanthropy” (the supernatural act of morphing into a wolf) and finely crafted similes like “I’m starting to feel abused like a coffee machine in an office,” it is impossible to find even a single flaw in the graceful flow of the narrative. Much like her predecessors Billy Shakespeare and James Joyce, Shakira coins new, crystal phrases like “I’ve been devoting myself to you Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday.” When faced with such overwhelming waves of splendor, the viewer can certainly be excused for being at a loss for words. It might be too good.

The service this video provides for humanity is priceless, its contributions so immeasurable that it is ridiculous to even ask, “What could we as a people do to repay its makers”? Simply put, we are not worthy of this mini-cinematic masterpiece. It was handed to us despite our inadequacy, and the least we could do is thoroughly enjoy its aesthetic charms. I mean, that scene where Shakira is dressed in a skin colored leotard, slowly raising just her ass while lying on the floor of a cage; totally fuckin sweet.

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